Gardener Landscaping hopes that you are healthy, safe and dealing with the current situation as best as possible.
With the increased public safety measures in place to protect against the spread of COVID-19, Gardener Landscaping has taken proactive measures to remain operational, while mitigating public health risks associated with the virus.
We want our valued customers and prospective clients to know that all services will continue as close to normal as possible and that soon the grass will be green and growing. Based on this we will continue to prepare for the construction season as planned and we will continue to provide our services in a safe, healthy & reliable manner where possible.
Using your outdoor space will be critical to you this spring/summer. We understand this and we will remain at your service. If you require an estimate for any landscape services please fill in the Estimate Request with confidence.
Our usual service methods and technology allow us to provide our services with no physical interaction or contact with customers. Our services are approved for continuation and we have taken additional measures to ensure the health and safety of our customers and employees.
Here’s what you can expect from us:
1. Once service starts, we will avoid personal interaction with clients. We will instruct employees to observe proper social distancing when interacting with all clients and other staff. Please accept a friendly wave or hello from a safe distance. Everyone’s health is our top priority!
2. We will be doing everything possible to not use paper for client contact and will not leave any notices at your home.
3. All customer service staff are working remotely & safely, and as efficiently as possible. Please know we are trying our best to give you the same level of service you have come to expect however, home based connections are sometimes not as good as the office we normally use We have web based infrastructure and advanced communication tools in place. Rest assured, we have you covered.
4. Our trucks will start and stop their day using a staggered timeframe, staff will travel to and from worksites safely and properly distanced and with no physical interaction with co-workers.
5. All staff will be instructed to self monitor for symptoms and stay home if necessary.
6. If you choose we can disinfect your gate handles after we complete our work using a soapy disinfecting liquid.
7. If you are lonely during this unprecedented situation rest assured we are here. If you need to talk to someone to brighten your day please call us.
On behalf of all Gardener franchise owners and staff across Canada and in your community, we extend the best health wishes to you and your family. We will strive to deliver service excellence as we all pull together to work through this period of uncertainty to minimize any service disruption.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay positive. Together we will get through this. Thank you for your continued business and support!